With the new update, Telegram is now going to let users sign-up without a SIM card. Although users will still need to obtain a blockchain-powered anonymous number, from the Fragment platform to sign-up. These anonymous numbers are not tied to a SIM card and are used solely for Telegram. 

Topics 2.0

With the new update, Telegram is introducing Topics 2.0, refining the feature even further. Now, even smaller groups get the option to organize discussions into topics, with the cut-off being reduced to 100 members or more.  We’ve also made it easier to set up auto-delete in small private groups – the timer can now be enabled by any members who are allowed to change the group’s name and picture. – Telegram Announcement Blogpost 

Aggressive Anti-Spam and More

The update also brings a redesigned Storage Usage page for Android users. The new Storage Usage page now shows the space used by each individual chat, and even lets users delete specific media from the menu.  To quickly view all the latest messages at once, you can switch to ‘View as Messages’ mode. Every message in that mode now has a button showing where it was posted – and you can tap it to go straight to that topic. Apart from this, Telegram also introduced a few other features like Emoji search on iOS and Temporary QR codes. You can read the full list of features on Telegram’s announcement blogpost, here.