According to Griffith, the Managing Director at Luminary, “The combination of Kentico Kontent and Netlify gives our clients the benefits of a flexible, powerful, and easy-to-use headless CMS, combined with a developer-friendly, and super-fast cloud infrastructure platform. Using both services, we have all the support we need to deliver great experiences for our clients and their customers.”

Integrating Kentico Kontent with Netlify

Which framework is your favorite? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with Jamstack plugins for all of the top frameworks from Kontent and Netlify! Jamstack architecture is used extensively in many digital applications nowadays. Its unparalleled performance complements many organizations’ SEO and UX objectives. The Netlify headless CMS pairing provides you with the necessary tools to address the lengthy build times that afflict many projects. In fact, third-party benchmarks show that Kontent provides the quickest Jamstack plugins on the market. When you combine this with Netlify’s lightning-fast development infrastructure, you have the right blend of speed and versatility!

Integration takes place in four simple steps

Integrating Kontent by Kentico is simple and happens in four simple steps. The process should not take more than four hours. These are the steps: 

Step 1: Verify Kentico Kontent and Netlify.Step 2: Select one of the applications to serve as a trigger for your automation.Step 3: Select an outcome act from the other application.Step 4: Choose the data you wish to transfer from one app to another.

Use Cases

1. Best Jamstack build times in the world

Jamstack makes developers’ lives simpler by offloading many of their former duties (caching, autoscaling, security) to the build server. However, if not handled effectively, this change might result in a sluggish content management experience. However, this is not the case with Kontent by Kentico and Netlify. Kontent has the quickest Gatsby plugin on the globe, as per the “Will it build?” benchmark. Every build will be blazing fast, thanks to Netlify’s build caching plugin for Gatsby!

2. True Constant Delivery

You will accomplish real Continuous Delivery using Kontent and Netlify. Connect the content generation to your CI/CD workflow and use Kentico Kontent webhooks to trigger Netlify builds. Use Kontent procedures to ensure that your material is in the tip-top form before releasing it. Once published, Kontent will tell Netlify to produce a production-grade build and, if all tests and checks pass, will instantly deploy this to the live production environment.

3. Real-time preview of your material

To ensure that changes made by editors do not affect the live project until they are ready, enable the Preview API, configure preview URLs to refer to the Netlify preview instance, and Preview webhooks will notify Netlify and generate a new site for your editors in no time.

4. The ideal home for interconnections and content editing plugins

The open developer platform of Kentico Kontent enables the enhancement of the user experience through the deployment of custom extensions. Netlify’s architecture is suitable for hosting and reusing these extensions. Create your own extension, deploy it to Netlify via the “Deploy to Netlify” button, and start sharing it with the community. Your preferred text editor, syntax highlighter, or eCommerce product selector, will all be activated with a single click.

5. A headless CMS with headful previews

Material editors should not be compelled to leave their preferred editing UI in order to preview or navigate to a piece of information they wish to modify. Kontent provides for the mapping of structured content pieces to specific portions of their web pages and makes it simple to incorporate this experience into their UI via Smart Link SDK and Web Spotlight.


There you have it! Thus integrating Kontent into Netlify will give you a better experience as you develop and share your marketing content. 

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