The development of social networks has opened up new opportunities for the business environment. For example, their algorithms allow you to boost advertising and sales capabilities. Plus, they can be integrated with various services (for example, in order to improve establishing professional contacts and expand your network. And, as you already understood from the heading, today you will get an insight about LinkedIn as an undisputed industry leader. According to a study of Statista, currently, more than 839 million people use the LinkedIn platform, and this number will grow. So, by 2025, LinkedIn’s customer base will already be 1,034.56 million people. Therefore, the use of this service will not be superfluous, especially when it comes to B2B relationships. Within the framework of this article, the following questions will be considered: “What determines the success of LinkedIn?” and (then most important) “How to succeed on the platform?” Scroll down to find out the answers and learn how to build your LinkedIn network.

Reasons for LinkedIn Success

Despite the relative simplicity of the service, its performance and capabilities to get more LinkedIn connections are impressive. Below you can see the 4 main reasons, which explain the widespread adoption of the platform.

8 Tips to Expand Your LinkedIn Network

Like any professional social network, LinkedIn has some rules you should follow. This will help optimize your work and achieve results without wasting much time. Scroll down to know top-notch LinkedIn networking tips.

Personalize Your Requests

When you are trying to increase LinkedIn connections it is better not to go through a list of people you “may know” and submit general queries. Instead of this, you want to do the following:

go to the profile of the person of interest, click on the “Connect” button; in the window that appears, specify a personal note so that the person understands that this is not a mass mailing.

The same scheme works if you are interested in contacting people who work in the same field, but you do not know them. The main thing, in this case, is to be as relevant as possible.

Use the Ability of Private Communication

Despite the fact that digital technologies have significantly converged with all spheres of business activity, one should not neglect personal communication. Always use the opportunity of a personal meeting with individuals you are interested in, as this will help you stand out from the rest and make your offer trustworthy.

Set Realistic Goals

If you think that achieving 600+ active connections is almost impossible, then try changing your approach. Using LinkedIn for network building, you should set a weekly or monthly time frame in which you can get, for example, 50 or 100 connections. From this perspective, the final number will not look so unrealistic, especially if you use third-party services like email finder Google Sheets. Do not forget that you should stick to certain rules of communication and intra-platform etiquette while trying to expand your connections base. You should not do mass mailings, as it will not increase your base, but bring you a reputation as a spammer.

Explore LinkedIn Groups

The platform’s groups are places where specialists can communicate, share experiences, and build business relationships within their area of interest. Exploring these groups is a must-have if you are going to learn more about your target audience, its goals, or showcase what you have to offer.

Be Active on the Portal

The main way to do this is through your publications. When individuals from your TA view, like, or share your materials, you have more chances that third parties will find out about you and become interested. Keep in mind that the platform’s algorithms may not show all of your posts. That is why do not make long pauses in publications in order not to lose your audience.

Use not Only Plain Text

It is not a secret that the use of multimedia materials significantly increases the engagement of your audience. And professional LinkedIn networking is not an exception. When you add images, your readers are more likely to read and trust the information you provide them with. The same situation is with video clips, which is shown in one of HubSpot’s researches.

Promote Your LinkedIn URL

To do it, just copy the link to your LinkedIn profile and add it to other resources, such as Twitter, Facebook. Instagram (in the “Bio” section). It especially works if you have a lot of followers on the appropriate social network. It is also important for your URL to be concise and contain info that identifies you. This acts as an additional booster for readers to remember you.

Don’t Forget Keywords

The platform provides an opportunity to attract an audience using keywords, similar to SEO optimization on a website. Try to think through every word. For example, when describing a position, try to use general language only. Otherwise, semantics can make you “invisible” to other platform members. Δ Contact Us :-