The reason for the lack of frame rates was that the game offers a highly-detailed open-world world and an interactive co-op mode that limit its performance potential, specifically on consoles according to the game’s executive producer. Despite being a true next-gen game, it lacks this era’s norm; smooth gaming experience at 60 FPS and 1080p resolution (minimum) on the latest consoles.  While the fans criticized this decision by Warner Bros. Montreal. A developer, Fleur Marty, from WB Montreal, blamed the Xbox Series S for the performance cap in Gotham Knights. The situation worsened when a fellow developer, Lee Devonald, from Rocksteady (the studio behind Batman: Arkham), tried to defend Marty and went out of his way by calling the console a ‘potato’ that lacked optimization.  This statement set the fans on fire, and Gotham Knights have been in hot waters since then. The episode doesn’t end here; the actual gameplay of Gotham Knights also got leaked via Reddit and YouTube.  A Reddit user, u/Zhukov-74, posted a thread on the infamous subreddit r/GamingLeaksAndRumours through which he shared the leaked footage of Gotham Knights and spotted a gamer who got his hands early on the Gotham Knights’ physical copy.  The user u/almarhuby, who was the person with the physical copy, shared the picture of the physical copy of Gotham Knights and also told in the comments how he got the game this early: He also shared his initial review of the game after finishing the first mission: A series of events started from here, and many gameplays of Gotham Knights were shared on Reddit and YouTube. One of them was a YouTube channel named PXN Plays posted a 32 minutes gameplay of Gotham Knights, which included a 10-minute long cut scene of the game, explaining the death of Batman.  The game looks beautiful visually. Frame rates feel stable about 90% of the time. However, there are a few drops, like when entering the detective/ investigation mode. After posting the first 30 minutes, PXN Plays claimed in the video’s comments that more parts of the gameplay are on the way. But, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment took quick action against these leaks and removed all the videos from YouTube and Reddit.  The game is just a few days away, and leaks are pouring out crazy. Gotham Knights will be released on 21st October 2022 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC. Will you be playing the game on day one? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.